Saturday, August 3, 2024

There's a New Page on the Blog


There's been some tidying up and updating to the Soft Records blog.

Some things were a bit out of date and some things needed to be added. Something I've been neglecting for ages.

There's a new page called 'Pre Soft' which is essentially a way to tie in things I wanted to say about the musical history of me, Kevin Purdy, the creator of Soft Records and how I got there. I also, very much, wanted to have some way to talk about and give insights into the first Tooth album 'No Strings' which wasn't on Soft Records, though I did produce it, organise: its' production as a CD, distribution and promotion. There just wasn't a label yet. The album, released in 1998, was helped along into being, greatly, by the gracious help of the Frigid (Cryogenesis) and Fromage posses, who supplied the funding and the amazing artwork, created by Fromage member Duncan Irving.

I've also added a lot more videos, links to interviews, reviews and articles for Soft releases over the years.